posted February 07, 2018
Grand Lodge Office – Update #3
The Main Grand Lodge Office is almost unpacked and set back up. The main copier is still off line for at least another few weeks. The Grand Secretary’s office is being painted today and wont be ready for at least 2 weeks while Brother Nichols is away on personal leave. We wish him well and a speedy return, until then he wont be returning emails or phone calls. If you need anything urgently, please contact the Grand Treasurer at the office number ( 519-273-8088 ) or by emailing him at ten.fooi@ertlgo. He will respond but it may take a day or two as he is the only one in the office.
posted January 31, 2018
Grand Lodge Office – Update #2
The Main Grand Lodge Office is almost back together. Any of the furniture that wasn’t damaged, has been moved back in. We have our Computer Network guy coming in this weekend and early next week to start to wire the computers all back together. The Grand Secretary’s Office is still in pieces and wont be back together for a few weeks still. Most of the Grand Lodge Office’s functionality is back except we still don’t have the main copier online as we must wait for it to be inspected to ensure it wasn’t damaged.
posted January 05, 2018
Grand Lodge Office – Update #1
The Grand Lodge Office will reopen on Monday, January 8,2018 at a limited capacity. Our copier is down for a while and we are still sorting out what we lost. All our records are safe and sound but we lost some computer technology and furniture and a lot of damage to the building itself. We would like to thank everybody for all the emails and phone calls looking to help, but we are at a stand still waiting for the Restoration Company to repair all the building damage. When we need help, we will be sure to call upon those of you who have offered.
posted January 3, 2018
Cleanup has Started
The Restoration Company and the Insurance company has been in and everything is being taken out and the flooring and walls are being taken out. They are estimating 6 to 8 weeks to have everything completed and back together.
posted January 02, 2018
Grand Lodge Office is Closed
We are sorry to announce that due to a broken water main pipe, the Grand Lodge office will remain closed until further notice. Please check back here for details.
posted October 07, 2015
Updated with new options and features.
We have heard from our members they wanted something new and updated on the website and on a more frequent basis. We have listened to them and their ideas and have started to implant them into the site. Some of these changes will take some time and others will appear rather quickly. Please work with us on this and if you happen to find wrong information or something not working correctly, please contact myself and I will address every email. Please fill out a ‘Help Desk Ticket’ located to the left. By using this method, you will be able to track your ticket to see when the issue was looked at and then resolved.
posted October 06, 2015
Youtube channel is open
One of the suggestions we received is that we have a Youtube channel. The channel has been created and we will add some content to it over the next couple of weeks. If you see a video or have a video that you would like us to add, please send the details to me and I will review the request and add it if is appropriate.
posted October 06, 2015
Grand Master Itinerary
I have a copy of the Grand Master Itinerary and I am adding all the details to the calendar. I will try to get it done in the next couple of days and get it posted on the website. The link can be found on the Grand Lodge Executive page.
posted October 06, 2015
Lodge Websites
I have now setup a free website domain for every lodge in Ontario. Some lodges have their own websites already and that is terrific. For the lodges who wish a website but don’t want to spend the money, we can provide you with a free one. The only requirement is that somebody from your lodge be able to build and maintain it. If need be, I would be willing to help them out to get it online because it is an important tool to help assist us in telling the world who we are. For the Lodges that currently have one, if you wish to switch over to the free one, please contact the webmaster. I will be listing all the websites on the Detailed Information sheet which is located on the page “Lodges in Ontario”. So please forward me all your information with your web address and I will get it posted.
posted October 06, 2015
Printer Friendly Version
We have had a few requests for this option. With the cost of ink for printers and so many different types of printers for sale, some members were having trouble printing parts of the website or wasting a lot of paper. So we decided to create a “Printer Friendly Version” for almost all of our pages. On the top of every page (top right hand corner), you will see a “Printer Friendly Version” link. If you click on this link, it will open a new window of the current page you are viewing, but all in Black & White and formatted to fit a letter size paper. All the extras on the page (Buttons on the left, links on the bottom) have all been removed. If you use this feature and find an issue with printing, please fill out a help desk ticket (located at top left of every page) with the issue you are having (please include printer model) and I will try to correct the issue.
posted April 14, 2013
The Website has new features!!!
We have completely updated the website and added new features to it. We still have a few bugs to work out of it, but that will be done shortly (or hopefully even before you notice any of them). We have added the “Printer Friendly Version” feature. When you click on the “Printer Icon”, a new page will open up and it will be only the text with no graphics and formatted to fit a letter size paper. The RSS feature should be functioning within a couple of days (If you are unsure what a RSS Feed is, you can read more about them by clicking on the following link ( RSS Feed information )). We have also added a “Twitter” Account which we hope to start using more and more to keep everybody up-to-date with what is happening in the order. If you have any issues or ideas, please send them to the Webmaster and he will see what he can get posted on the website ( Email the Webmaster ).
posted February 1, 2013
The Website is back up and completely updated!!!
We have had some issues in the recent months with the website not being updated as often as it should be. I have now made a time to up date it on a weekly basis. If you have something you want posted or would like to see on the site, please send me an email with all the details.
posted September 7, 2012
Welcome back from Summer Holidays
The summer is over almost and Lodges are starting back up. Over the next few weeks, we will be posting a lot of updates on the website of what is happening and when. So check back often.
posted February 12, 2012
RSS Feeds now available
Today we setup a RSS Feed for the news page to our website. Our Members have asked that we try to bring the Odd Fellows up-to-date with technology and this is one step in that direction. If anybody runs into issues with using it, please let the webmaster (email: ten.fooi@retsambew) know so he can work out the bugs with it. If you are unsure what a RSS Feed is, you can read more about them by clicking on the following link ( RSS Feed information ).
Also, if you have any other suggestions that you would like to see added to the site, please email the details to him.
posted February 5, 2012
Youtube Video
Today we posted our first Youtube video. We will be posting a lot more of them in the near future. If you have any videos that you have seen and think we should include, send the webmaster (ten.fooi@retsambew) a message with as much information as you can. Thank you. ( a direct link to our Youtube page can be found at the top left of every page! )
posted November 20, 2011
As some of you are aware we have been having issues with our website. Our webmaster has promised us that by month’s end it will all be fixed and completely updated. He does apologize for this and is taking measures to prevent this from happening again. Thank you for your patience.
posted February 16, 2011
We are currently updating our Facebook and Youtube pages with content. We admit that we fell a little behind with our updates and we apologize for that. We are putting measures into place to prevent that from happening again. We thank you for your understanding.
posted January 20, 2011
The Grand Lodge of Ontario wishes to announce details of the upcoming Annual Grand Lodge Sessions.
Please click here to get more information.
posted December 13, 2010
To: All Odd Fellows and Rebekahs in the Grand Jurisdiction of Ontario.
Grand Master’s Christmas Message 2010.
A warm Christmas Wish and a Happy New Year to all Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Chevaliers and Ladies. As your Grand Master, I hope All Brothers, Sisters and their families have a safe and joyous holiday season. As we sit back enjoying ourselves with our families and friends, take time out to examine Our Future as Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
This Christmas Season, don’t forget to support your local charities along with your Grand Master’s projects. A little will go a long way. We have OuR Island, Camp Trillium and the IOOF Senior’s Homes Inc., in Barrie to e very proud of and this should be used in promoting Our Order.
In the coming year lets ALL work Together with better communication between all branches of Our Order and ourselves to make our Order Grow for Our Future Generations. As we look forward to a prosperous 2011 in health, welfare and in the GROWTH of our Order, I know, that working Together, we will be successful to Help Rebuild our Order.
I remain yours, in Friendship, Love and Truth,
Jim Edwards, Grand Master,
Grand Lodge of Ontario,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
posted September 7, 2010
The Grand Lodge of Ontario welcomes back all of its members from summer holidays. As lodges start up from summer break, we want everyone to remember we are here to answer your questions. Please be patient with us because we have alot of things happening currently.
posted July 1, 2010
The Grand Lodge of Ontario wishes everybody a safe and enjoyable summer and hope to see everybody (as well as some new members) in September. The Grand Lodge Office is open all summer, so please if you have any issues, don’t hesitate to give us a call or drop us a line.
posted May 30, 2010
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows have decided to launch a new website with the input of their members. We are still currently testing and repairing every little detail on the site. We are listening to our members and giving them exactly what they want. Our goal at the end of this process is to have a website that our members can be proud of and to give visitors to the site the information they want. If you find anything that you want the webmaster to look at, email him.
PLEASE NOTE: Not all pages on here have text just yet. We will be adding more and more. Please return to see the changes we are making on a regular basis.
posted December 1, 2009
Grand Master’s Christmas Message
To: All Odd Fellows and Rebekahs in the Grand Jurisdiction of Ontario.
I wish for all Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, and all Patriarchs, Matriarchs, Chevaliers and Ladies a joyous Christmas and a safe, comfortable and peaceful holiday season. In particular, I pray for all members of our Order who are bereaved or in poor health, that your strength and well-being will return in the new year.
I also wish for better harmony in all of our Lodges, Encampments, LEA’s, Cantons and LAPM’s in the new year. Let us all resolve to work Together wherever we can. And let us Reach Out in the new year, into our own communities and across the jurisdiction, to promote and strengthen our Order through our projects and our good work. Remember, deeds speak louder than words.
Over the holiday season, let us all examine our lodges and ourselves, and our service as Odd Fellows to our Order and to society. We have good purposes and projects; but I believe the future health of Odd Fellowship requires that we respond to changes in the world around us. Are there changes we should make to help our Order flourish again? I ask every member to think about this over the holiday season.
Yours Friendship, Love and Truth,
Brother Don Beach, Grand Master
posted December 1, 2009
Members Only Area – Update
As a few of our members have found out, we are having a few issues with the Members Only Area with regards to the Forms you can download and use. We are working on it and we are fixing form by form, so as soon as we get a form fixed, it will be posted. We thank you to all who emailed us with the issues and we are trying very hard to get them back up and running. We thank you for your understanding on this matter.
posted March 9, 2009
Attention News Editors — For Immediate Release
Camp Trillium Announces New Board Members including a former Member of Parliament and a Belleville native and Grand Master of the Odd Fellows of Ontario
Media Advisory
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hamilton, Ontario – Camp Trillium, a provincial childhood cancer charity on Saturday, February 28, 2009 elected six new members to its Board of Directors. Business, Political, Volunteer and Medical leaders from around the province will be taking on the task of helping Camp Trillium to grow it’s programs province wide during a period of economic downturn and weak charitable giving.
In Eastern Ontario four new members have joined the board, Charles Benson, the Grand Master of the Odd Fellows of Ontario and well known Belleville Volunteer; Sheila Copps, former Member of Parliament and Liberal Party Member; Scott Whyte, Human Resources and Management specialist from Kingston and Deanna Lawson, Clinic Nurse at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa.
“Challenging times require a Board of Directors who are hard working and driven to help raise funds and ensure that individual donations are well managed and used to provide the best camping and recreational programs for children living with cancer and their families. I feel we have that board.” Marci Shea-Perry, Executive Director
“Children living with cancer have enough worries without having to think about what tough economic times could do to their oasis from the disease, Camp Trillium. I am dedicated to raise awareness of Camp Trillium and it’s great work and help to ensure all of their needs are met …and that means picking up the phone and sometimes picking up a hammer.” Charles Benson, Board Member, Belleville
Camp Trillium provides recreational and camping programs for children living with cancer and their families in the province of Ontario. 54 programs operate year round in 12 communities for 3,100 campers. Summer Camping programs are run in Bloomfield, Ontario at Camp Trillium Odd Fellow and Rebekah Island and year round camping in Waterford, Ontario at Camp Trillium Rainbow Lake
For more information contact:
Fiona Fisher
Communications and Development
(416) 413-0968 or 1-888-999-2267 ext. 24
Our Biggest News Ever …
MEDIA ADVISORY – For Immediate Release Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Camp Trillium receives $1,000,000 gift from the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of Ontario to purchase Garratt’s Island Camp Trillium is celebrating today with the purchase of Camp Trillium Garratt’s Island. Camp Trillium has operated programs and maintained the island for 18 years and now is the new owner thanks to the landmark gift made to the charity by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of Ontario. “This is an incredible gift. Garratt’s Island has been home to Camp Trillium for 18 years and now we know that we will be there forever. Our relationship with the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs has grown over the years. From their first donation 25 years ago they have always been there to support Camp Trillium in their time of need.” Marci Shea-Perry, Executive Director of Camp Trillium. Garratt’s Island will now be known as Camp Trillium Odd Fellow and Rebekah Island in honour of this gift. It will be shortened to OuR Island for daily use. Camp Trillium is looking to raise another $700,000 to upgrade the island. Starting this year Camp Trillium will be extending programming on the island and making full use of it 9 months of the year. On Saturday, June 21st, 2008 Friends of Camp Trillium and the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are invited to celebrate with former campers, staff and volunteers at OuR Island. Celebrations begin at 10 a.m. and run to 2 p.m. A BBQ and an opportunity to tour the camp highlight the day. Camp Trillium is a not for profit organization that operates 54 programs year round. These programs are run at no cost to the participant. For children with cancer Camp Trillium provides an opportunity to enjoy the fun and friendship of camping through day, residential and family camps and clinic programs. It is a chance for children to get away from this terrible disease and share their unique skills with friends who understand. Trillium’s philosophy is to provide programs for all. Turning children away is not an option. We grow with our population and the challenge is always to meet the funding needs. Celebrating the purchase of Garratt’s Island… Camp Trillium and the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of Ontario.
For more information on the purchase of the island, the innovative programs of Camp Trillium and OuR Island Open House please contact:
Fiona Fisher, Camp Trillium, Communications (416) 416-413-0968
The Grand lodge of Ontario, Independent Order of Odd Fellows is located at 157 Frederick Street, Stratford, Ontario and the contact information is as follows:
John Nichols, Grand Secretary – 519 273-8088
Bob Schwalm, Grand Treasurer – 519 273-8088
Odd Fellow Webmail is Coming
We are in the middle of adding a new feature called ‘Odd Fellow Webmail’. This is going to be a link for people who have an email address through the Odd Fellows (anybody that has an – email address). To help this pilot project be successful, I am looking for 2 or 3 lodge Secretary’s or Noble Grand’s to help me out by getting an ‘’ email address for their home Lodge and test it out with myself and I will have The Grand Lodge of Ontario send you stuff to see if this is a feature worth looking into. If you are interested, let me know and I will give you more details about it. –> Email the Webmaster
To take part in the Pilot Project, you will need a few items to use at your lodge’s own expense.
A computer with an internet connection (High Speed Recommended, but Dial-Up will work)
The software you will need is follows: Adobe Acrobat Reader (free from the Internet), and either Microsoft Word or WordPerfect (both word processing programs may be purchased through a computer or electronics store) and Microsoft FrontPage or any Website design software if you wish your Lodge to have a free website through the Grand Lodge of Ontario (Somebody in your Lodge must have a basic understanding of FrontPage or another type of Website Design software and how to upload your website – we can help with this)
A Printer to print off emails, documents, etc that you may receive through this project
MOST IMPORTANT THING – Patience with this project. You have to remember that you are going to be one of the first groups to be testing this project out and you will be working with myself and the Grand Secretary to find all bugs in the system and correct them
History in the makingWe now have had 5 lodges sign up for the Webmail Pilot Project. They now have active email accounts and are in the middle of designing their websites. As soon as they get the websites up and running, we will post them here and ask everybody to look at them and give them a big thanks for taking a step in the right direction. If your lodge is still interested, please read the above post and let me know. Eventually our goal is to have every lodge with an active email and website.
Warriner Lodge #75 of Port Perry, Ontario
We would like to thank the members of Warriner Lodge #75 of Port Perry, Ontario for taking the first step into the age of the Internet. They are the first lodge under the Grand Lodge of Ontario to have an active email address and there own website. Although their website is still being designed and updated continually, it is up. We would ask that you visit their site and give them feedback about it. You can visit their site by clicking on this link or send them an email congratulating them on their accomplishment ten.fooi@57egdolrenirraw. Once again a big thank you goes out to them!
Odd Fellows have invaded ‘FACEBOOK’As some of you have now found out, the Grand Lodge of Ontario now has a group on Facebook. The group is just starting out and currently is small, but over time we are hoping that every member in the Order will join it and make it a huge success. If you are on Facebook – just search for the group ‘Grand Lodge of Ontario’. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email me and I will answer them for you. Email the webmaster.
Odd Fellow Online CommunityWe have created an ‘Odd Fellow Online Community’ for our members and visitors. This is a new feature and we are still working out the bugs in it. The purpose of this ‘Odd Fellow Online Community’ is a new tool for all Odd Fellows to gather and share information, stories and just about anything they want to. If you or your lodge have something to sell or advertise, there is a spot on there for you to do so. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email me or fill out a ‘Help Desk Ticket’.
Help Desk Ticket SystemAs more and more of our members start to join us on the “Online World”, we are finding some of them are having a few issues and we would like to help them in any way we can. The Grand Lodge of Ontario has created something called ‘Help Desk Ticket System’ and you will find a link to this at the top of every page in this website. The purpose of this project is for our members or visitors that are having issues to fill out a simple ‘Issue Ticket’ and we will respond ASAP. When you fill out a ticket, you will receive an email with a Tracking Number. When we respond to the ticket, you will be notified by email and you can login to see the solution. This ‘Help Desk Ticket System’ will eventually replace emailing the webmaster because this way you can track your issue from start to finish in a timely manner. If you encounter any issues with this new system, please email me with the issue and I will try to resolve it as quickly as I can. We thank you for your patience with this ongoing project.