
NOTICE! Quality Inn and Conference Centre in Stratford is now the RODEWAY INN.

Hello Everyone!

We are scheduled to have our Annual Sessions, Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, at the Quality Inn From Sunday May 4 to Wednesday May 7.

The Quality Inn is now the Rodeway Inn.

Our Contract and Sessional Dates still stand. You will still call the same phone number ( 519-273-1150 ) to make your reservation.

Everything is still the same for the bookings and dates.

There have been some small changes to the Sessional Schedule which I will also bring to your attention.

There will be no DDGM/DDP Luncheon this year.

There will be a Joint, Open Installation, of the incoming Grand Lodge and Rebekah Assembly Officers on Tuesday May 6, at 4:00 pm, in the Sessional Rooms. The Sessional Banquet will follow, at the appointed time, in the Hotel Ballroom.
Please consider attending the Joint Installation, and the Banquet.

Yours in Friendship, Love, and Truth,

Brother John R. Nichols,
Grand Secretary.

Call for Legislation, definitions, and example, + Notice of Motion Forms, Resolution Forms, and Lodge Representative Forms

Dear Brothers and Sisters;

Attached to this email you will find our Call for any Legislation to come before the 2025 Grand Lodge Session. This attachment has the call for legislation, definitions, and an example notice of motion. Please note that any legislation to come before the 2025 Annual Session must be in the Grand Lodge Office prior to February 28, 2025.

I have also attached Notice of Motion, Resolution, and the Lodge Representative, forms to this email.

Have a great day!


FW: A letter and appeal from our Sovereign Grand Master in relation to hurricane relief.

From: ten.fooi@stnuocca <ten.fooi@stnuocca:otliam" >ten.fooi@stnuocca> Sent: October 3, 2024 11:03 AM Subject: A letter and appeal from our Sovereign Grand Master in relation to hurricane relief.

Brothers and Sisters,

I am sending this letter out and would ask that you read it out to your Lodges.

The devastation caused by the recent hurricane in the USA and other nations has been phenomenal.


An Error in our Journal of Proceedings

Brothers and Sisters All!

There was an error in the production of our Journal of Proceeds for the 2023 – 2024 year.

Somehow I had Sister Bonnie Desjardins picture, and the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario Officers, correct, but Sister Bonnie’s Program was not correct.

I have attached a correction that now shows Sister Bonnie’s Program and Officers.

Have a great day!


a fraudulent email

Hi all!

If you receive and email such as this:

From: John Nichols <moc.liamg@1462eettimmoctnediserp:otliam" >moc.liamg@1462eettimmoctnediserp <moc.liamg@1462eettimmoctnediserp:otliam">mailto:moc.liamg@1462eettimmoctnediserp> > Sent: September 5, 2024 10:33 AM To: XXXXXXXXXXXXX (your email address would be here) Subject: Catch-up

Phil, confirm your availability, are you free at the moment?
John Nichols

Please note that it is not from me. I understand there is a similar email going around purporting to be from Brother Gene Dopp, Grand Master.

Check the email address that this message is coming from (in this case moc.liamg@1462eettimmoctnediserp)

I will not contact you from a gmail email address for Grand Lodge business. I do have a personal gmail address on my smart phone but only use that when traveling or in an emergency.

Please do not respond to the email wanting to catch up. It is a fraud and likely a phishing attempt.


FW: Banquet information GEO

From: Wayne Geurts <moc.liamg@strueg.enyaw:otliam" >moc.liamg@strueg.enyaw> Sent: September 5, 2024 7:58 AM To: Ontario Grand Encampment <moc.liamg@oiratnotnempmacnednarg:otliam" >moc.liamg@oiratnotnempmacnednarg>; Martin K Mueller <moc.liamtoh@46relleum:otliam" >moc.liamtoh@46relleum>; Sue Geurts <moc.liamg@struegeus:otliam" >moc.liamg@struegeus>; Steve GRAHAM <moc.sregor@ylimaf-maharg:otliam" >moc.sregor@ylimaf-maharg>; George Michelson <ac.ocitapmys@noslehcim.nerak:otliam" >ac.ocitapmys@noslehcim.nerak>; Bob McMahon. <moc.liamg@nohamcmbobyduj:otliam" >moc.liamg@nohamcmbobyduj>; Phil Benson <moc.liamg@01nosneblihp:otliam" >moc.liamg@01nosneblihp>; Andre GRANDER <ac.slogfh@erdna:otliam" >ac.slogfh@erdna>; Tim Pearce <moc.liamg@95pjthe2112namwons:otliam" >moc.liamg@95pjthe2112namwons>; Reg Jr Ward <moc.liamg@rjdrawger:otliam" >moc.liamg@rjdrawger>; Mark Sturman <moc.liamg@11rotanamruts:otliam" >moc.liamg@11rotanamruts>; Gene Dopp <moc.liamtoh@2erbilacegral:otliam" >moc.liamtoh@2erbilacegral>; Mark Volkov <moc.liamg@65voklovkram:otliam" >moc.liamg@65voklovkram>; Tom Robinson <ac.elgae@rst:otliam" >ac.elgae@rst>; Judi McTaggart <moc.nriancmaj@htiduj:otliam" >moc.nriancmaj@htiduj>; Dave Compton <ac.ocitapmys@notpmoc.divad:otliam" >ac.ocitapmys@notpmoc.divad>; Peter Downey <moc.liamg@72yenwodjp:otliam" >moc.liamg@72yenwodjp>; Randy Smith <moc.sregor@55scr:otliam" >moc.sregor@55scr>; Jason Walt <moc.liamg@yllibllihreloow:otliam" >moc.liamg@yllibllihreloow>; Marilyn Wilson <ac.ocegoc@nosliwgmd:otliam" >ac.ocegoc@nosliwgmd>; Jim Broadfoot <moc.liamg@toofdaorb.d.j:otliam" >moc.liamg@toofdaorb.d.j>; Don Cooper <moc.sregor@nodteb:otliam" >moc.sregor@nodteb>; Don Ward <ac.liamtoh@drawbrab.nod:otliam" >ac.liamtoh@drawbrab.nod>; Jane Leeder <moc.liamg@5redeelenaj:otliam" >moc.liamg@5redeelenaj>; Kathryn Bellmore <moc.liamtoh@eromllebenyrhtak:otliam" >moc.liamtoh@eromllebenyrhtak>; Grand Encampment Ontario <moc.liamg@oiratnotnepmacnednarg:otliam" >moc.liamg@oiratnotnepmacnednarg>; Danny Smith <moc.liamtoh@c3nd:otliam" >moc.liamtoh@c3nd>; Doug Wilson <moc.liamg@1wppwed:otliam" >moc.liamg@1wppwed>; 06 Ontario <moc.liamg@2redworcbe:otliam" >moc.liamg@2redworcbe>; Don Murdock <moc.liamtoh@mnodrod:otliam" >moc.liamtoh@mnodrod>; Wayne Gard <moc.liamg@7102dragyaw:otliam" >moc.liamg@7102dragyaw>; Frank Game <moc.liamg@206emaGknarF:otliam" >moc.liamg@206emaGknarF>; Jim Edwards <moc.liamg@1sdrawdesaj:otliam" >moc.liamg@1sdrawdesaj>; John Nichols <ten.fooi@stnuocca:otliam" >ten.fooi@stnuocca>; Linda Shortt <ac.ttrohs@adnil:otliam" >ac.ttrohs@adnil>; Dianne Cruxton <moc.oohay@notxurc.d:otliam" >moc.oohay@notxurc.d>; Mrs. Carson Shulist A.S. <ten.ocegoc@tnofoar:otliam" >ten.ocegoc@tnofoar>; Don Sedgwick <ac.ocitapmys@b.d.kciwgdes:otliam" >ac.ocitapmys@b.d.kciwgdes>; Jack Scott <ac.elgae@nrevac:otliam" >ac.elgae@nrevac>; Paul Jackson <moc.liamtoh@diolbateht:otliam" >moc.liamtoh@diolbateht>; Erika Chapman <moc.liamtoh@91nampahcakire:otliam" >moc.liamtoh@91nampahcakire>; Don BEACH <moc.liamg@8hcaebnod:otliam" >moc.liamg@8hcaebnod>; Ray PORTER <moc.oohay@retrop.reteeks:otliam" >moc.oohay@retrop.reteeks>; Ron & Leona Wanamaker <moc.liamg@rekamanaw.l.nor:otliam" >moc.liamg@rekamanaw.l.nor>; Tom Obrien <ten.lleb@9neirbot:otliam" >ten.lleb@9neirbot>; Bill Thompson <moc.liamg@1eroyeemai:otliam" >moc.liamg@1eroyeemai> Subject: Fwd: Banquet information GEO

Hello All,

Andre Grander’s Banquet information is attached.

The date is October 5

in FHC

Wayne Geurts, G.Scr.

———- Forwarded message ——— From: H F Grander Co Ltd <ac.slogfh@gfh:otliam" >ac.slogfh@gfh <ac.slogfh@gfh:otliam">mailto:ac.slogfh@gfh> > Date: Wed, Sep 4, 2024 at 3:09 PM Subject: Banquet information GEO To: <moc.liamg@strueg.enyaw:otliam" >moc.liamg@strueg.enyaw <moc.liamg@strueg.enyaw:otliam">mailto:moc.liamg@strueg.enyaw> >

Hi Wayne
Please forward around when you have a change.
See you tonight.

A Message from the Grand Master. There will be no Official Reception this year.

Brothers and Sisters:

This year things will be a bit different from past years. The first thing that you will notice is that there is no date for a Grand Masters Banquet. That’s because I am not having one. In 2018 when I was first elected as Grand Master I held a banquet in Orangeville. It was fun, A lot of you attended. It was a wonderful meal with lots of good fellowship.

The world has changed. Food has increased dramatically in price, fuel costs have gone crazy and hotel costs have increased . I will not ask you to spend your money on coming to see me at a banquet then expect you to spend money to come see me when I visit your District. What I am proposing is that you calculate what you would have spent coming to a dinner in Orangeville. Think about your gas, the meal and possibly a hotel. Add those three things up. Now divide it in half or even four . Write a cheque to the IOOF Senior’s Home, in Barrie, and in remarks put Grand Master’s Project. I am the Vice Chair of the Board at the Barrie Home . We are undergoing a 63 million dollar expansion. Every penny will help. Oh wait, we don’t have pennies anymore. Every nickel will help! Come see me when I come to your District!

The other thing that you will notice is that none of the Officers are wearing white jackets. And not all of the officers are wearing black tuxedos, some might be wearing a black suit. Being a Grand Lodge appointed officer is an honour. I don’t want it to be a financial burden to my officers. I spoke with Brother Jason Walt and told him I was not going to use white dinner jackets. He will not be next year. Brother Mark Volkov will not be using them in 2 years. It’s enough that these folks have to pay all the expenses that come with attending sessions. I didn’t want to add the price of a dinner jacket. I also didn’t want them to have to buy/rent a tuxedo. I told them if they had a three piece black suit that would suffice.

I just wanted to you know what I was thinking about when I made these decisions. I hope that you all have a great year and I REALLY look forward to coming out to see you in your Districts.

Yours in Friendship , Love and Truth,

Bro Gene Dopp,
Grand Master, 2024- 2025.

FW: Another scam email purporting to be from the Grand Lodge.

From: ten.fooi@stnuocca <ten.fooi@stnuocca:otliam" >ten.fooi@stnuocca> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2024 9:32 AM To: ten.fooi@stnuocca Subject: FW: Another scam email purporting to be from the Grand Lodge.

From: ten.fooi@stnuocca <ten.fooi@stnuocca:otliam">mailto:ten.fooi@stnuocca> <ten.fooi@stnuocca:otliam" >ten.fooi@stnuocca <ten.fooi@stnuocca:otliam">mailto:ten.fooi@stnuocca> > Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2024 9:31 AM Subject: Another scam email purporting to be from the Grand Lodge.

Hello all!

If you remember back before sessions an email came out purporting to be me, that was a scam. That email was asking for individuals to do an e-transfer. No one from the Grand Lodge will ask you to do an e-transfer. Please ignore any message asking for that.

Now another email has come out purporting to be from Bob Schwalm. The email is NOT from Bob.

When you see something of the sort, check the email address. In this case the email address was: “Robert G. Schwalm” <moc.liamg@77evitucexererusaert:otliam" >moc.liamg@77evitucexererusaert <moc.liamg@77evitucexererusaert:otliam">mailto:moc.liamg@77evitucexererusaert> >

We will never send you a gmail email for official business. The only time I will ever send a gmail email is if you contact me at my personal email address.

The email reads:

I am trying to set up an E-Transfer in the amount of $1,950 for an expense, also i will have to visit the bank to set it up as we don’t E-transfers or pay bills online as we have a 2 signature account, I would like to know if you can initiate the E-transfer from your personal account? I will send you a reimbursement cheque in your name tomorrow. Let me know so i can send you the details.
Regards, Robert G. Schwalm”

This is a scam email. Please never respond to these emails but quickly delete them.

The scam artists are getting trickier in their scams. It is impossible, in this day and age, to avoid having such scams go out even with the very best online security.

If you ever have a question about the authenticity of an email please contact us.

Yours in Friendship, Love, and Truth,

Brother John R. Nichols,
Grand Secretary.

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