I.O.O.F. Senior Citizen Homes’ Long-Term Care Facility
( Visit their website … )
Architect’s view of the approved addition to the long-term care “Home”
It was the very best design when it was opened in 1984. Since the rebuilt Home opened almost 20 years ago, the type of care has changed dramatically. Once, residents usually walked in the door. Now, most arrive by ambulance or in wheelchairs. The average age of residents is 89. Most are women. The majority require assistance with eating and with transferring from bed to a wheelchair, or to a bath, or to a dining room for a meal. Sadly, over 70 per cent have a cognitive impairment and thus they are unable to think or reason clearly. Constant care is required which is very time and labour intensive.
Care is now much more complex and buildings designed for yesterday’s residential care must now be radically changed to meet current needs.
The IOOF Senior Citizen Homes’ Long-Term Care Home must meet the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s new building design standards by 2006.
The Home Re-development Project
A new 96-bed “wing” to the Home will be added to the existing Home as “Phase I” of the project. When completed, the vacated part of the Home will be re-developed to accommodate 66 long-term beds as “Phase II”. The third phase, the reconfiguration of the oldest space in the Home made vacant by the re-development is not part of the current project and its use will be determined after completion of Phases I and II.
Architect’s rendering of part of Phase I
• A new and cosier, less institutional atmosphere for 162 residents
• More privacy for residents
• Ensuite bathrooms for all rooms
• Wheelchair “accessibility” in all bathrooms and throughout the building
• Lower windows and more natural light for every resident room
• Improved air circulation, constant temperature and humidity all year around
• Dining areas located near resident rooms
• Spacious “tub rooms” for hydrotherapy
• Generous access to landscaped gardens and outdoor areas for walks
• One “respite” bed, giving at-home care givers a needed break
• One palliative care bed, providing privacy for terminally ill residents and family
• A more “user friendly” working environment for staff, translating to better care
for residents
Financial Estimate and Fundraising Goal
Construction of the New Wing – $ 11,500,000
Renovations to the Home – $ 10,000,000
Total Financial Need – $ 21,500,000
Sources of Funds (over 20 years)
Ministry of Health – $12,500,000
Contribution from IOOF Senior Citizen Homes Inc. – $ 3,000,000
Total Financing Ability – $15,500,000
Challenge Fundraising Goal – $ 6,000,000
To enhance the lives of our residents, the IOOF Senior Citizen Homes established the Best Care for Seniors Campaign to raise $6 million to complete the project. Pledge donations can be made payable over a three to five year period. The Campaign is a volunteer initiative and an extraordinary undertaking in the life of the IOOF Senior Citizen Homes and the community.
You are important!
Your leadership and participation in the Campaign is important both as a donor and as a volunteer.
The Best Care for Seniors Campaign is volunteer driven. Each of the members of our fundraising team contributes their time, energy and skills because they believe in the mission and values of the IOOF Senior Citizen Homes. They want to help ensure that each resident in the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home receives the very best care possible by making sure the Home Re-development Project is completed and the fundraising goal of $6 million is achieved. Your gift to the Best Care for Seniors Campaign will help enhance the lives of the many frail elderly seniors in our care. Your gift is important to their families, many who have made the necessary, but agonizing decision, to entrust the IOOF Senior Citizen Homes with the care of a loved family member.
Recognition Program
Donors may choose to have a single or pledged gift recognized by naming part of the redeveloped building, an area within it, or individual rooms. For example:
Entire Phase I Addition – $1,000,000
North or West Wing – $500,000
Private Room – $20,000
Semi-Private Room – $15,000
Standard Room – $10,000
Dining Room – $50,000
Therapeutic Garden – $40,000
Family Rooms – $15,000
Donors with accumulating gifts of $1000 and over may have their names recognized on a donor wall to be located in the lobby of the re-developed Home.
Gift Giving Opportunities
Donors may give gifts directly to the Best Care for Seniors Campaign by cheque or VISA. Please make your cheque payable to the “IOOF Senior Citizen Homes Inc.” Please contact the Campaign Office if you would like to discuss your gift with a volunteer from the Campaign or with the Campaign Director. If you wish to make a lasting gift, consider a “Planned Gift” through a life insurance policy or a bequest to the Campaign. Please contact the Campaign Office for specific details on this and other gift giving opportunities.
Campaign Office – Best Care for Seniors Campaign
IOOF Senior Citizen Homes Inc.
20 Brooks Street
Barrie, ON L4N 7X2
Telephone: (705) 728-2389 ext. 315
E-mail moc.fooi@ngiapmac
Website: www.ioof.com
Charitable Registration BN 10252 6415 RR0001