Good Samaritan Award

Good Samaritan Award

The Committee has defined a Good Samaritan as “One (ones) who has (have) helped someone in distress, trouble or adversity regardless of race, colour or creed, unselfishly and without any personal consideration whatsoever.”

The following criteria will be the basis for the award:

a) The Good Samaritan Award is available to any member or non member of our Order who meets the criteria stated in the definition. There is no age limit, Each eligible applicant must be sponsored by a Unit of the Order. The Sponsor shall provide a monetary gift and the presentation will be made in their home Lodge community so that Odd Fellowship may be promoted.

b) The term of this award shall be from Annual Session to Annual Session and will be announced and recognized following the Annual Joint Church Service of all Sessions. Representation of the committee shall also attend the presentation made in the home Lodge.

c) There will be only one award presented each year and no applications will be held over until the next year. Should any applications be received after the deadline for actions between March 15th and the May Sessions, these will be considered in the following term.

d) The Joint Planning Board will incur the cost of the certificate and plaque given to the recipient and the Good Samaritan Committee will be responsible for the selection of the recipient.

e) The application forms for submission to this award can be obtained from the Secretary of this Committee. The deadline for submission shall be the 15th of March of each current term.

f) The application must be completed by the sponsoring Unit of the Order, under seal of the said Unit.
For more information on this award please contact:

David Longfield – P.G.M.
82 Deveron Crescent
London, Ontario
N5Z 4B5
Phone: (519)-681-7449

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