Under the authority of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, the Odd Fellows support an Educational Foundation, the Pilgrimage for Youth Program, Eye Research and Eye Banks, the Arthritis Society plus many Jurisdictional projects. Over the past decade, Odd Fellow Lodges around the world have spent more than six million dollars in the relief of distress. The total spent in relief of distress since 1830 is more than one billion dollars. In Ontario, the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are quite involved in providing funds to the University of Toronto, Department of Ophthalmology, as well as the Ontario Eye Bank Laboratory. During the decade of the 1980’s, the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs donated $ 200,000.00 to the University of Toronto for their eye research projects. We entered the 1990’s with an initial pledge of $ 20,000.00 to this ongoing project, each year. This Ontario Committee also recently established an annual scholarship for a student specializing in ophthalmology research at the University of Toronto.
The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of Ontario also provided the initial funding to organize and operate Camp Trillium. These camps provide summer and now winter camping enjoyment for young people suffering from cancer. Our support of this project is ongoing, and has increased each year since its inception. We established the Odd Fellows and Rebekah Capital Fund, with its purpose to raise money for capital expenditures. Currently this fund is paying the mortgages held on OuR Island near Wellington Ontario. We also provide support for Leukemia Research in the amount of $ 1,250.00 per month all year round. Many local committees provide various items of hospital equipment for use by needy individuals, for as long as they need them, without cost. Are you interested in joining or want more information, click here to see what Odd Fellow Lodge is the nearest to you and contact them for more information. Or you can call the Grand Lodge of Ontario and they can answer all your questions and direct you to the nearest lodge in your area. You can fill out an application and submit it to the Ontario Grand Lodge, who will then deliver it to the lodge closest to your location, you can download an application form (PDF Format or Word Format – you can only open these files and print them, they are protected documents) then take it to a lodge in your area or fill out an online version and submit it electronically to us. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below and I will answer all of your questions.
John R. Nichols – Grand Secretary |